Physical Annoyance #2: Your hair will fall out
Like you can't believe.
To the extent that you'll be cleaning out the shower plug at least three times a week, at an absolute minimum.
This used to be a job I expected The Husband to do, but I am safe in the knowledge that it is entirely me, and me alone, who is causing the shower tray to become a foot bath on practically a daily basis. So for now, I have assumed this chore out of sheer guilt and at being so grossed out by the state I've got the shower into (as you know, we have no bath, so it's fairly critical the shower is a safe go-to area in the flat). Knowing it's my hair though really doesn't make cleaning it out any more pleasant. I think this is officially my Least Favourite Household Chore.
Admittedly I have long hair, but this really is verging on the ridiculous (although thankfully I'm reassured by my NCT friends that I'm definitely not alone on this one).
The most annoying thing is that as well as the handfuls that appear on the shower tray, my hair has a knack of turning up everywhere, especially where you least expect it.
Much to my horror there was even one in LTO's nappy this morning. This discovery has left me completely paranoid that a strand of hair will somehow get wrapped around his willy, restrict the blood supply and damage the poor boy for life - or perhaps give him an unwanted circumcision - so every nappy change will now include a very thorough inspection.
Urgh. Just writing this is making me feel a bit queasy.
Apologies to anyone if I've put you off your dinner.
hI THERE, FOUND YOU VIA bRITISH mUMMY bLOGGERS AND THOUGHT i'D POP BY AND SAY HELLO. Oops - just realized CAPS LOCK is on! I had the same problem with hair falling out after each of my pregnancies. When I had Tiddler (my 3rd) it was dreadful - so bad that I was getting really thin in some places. It took about a year before it stopped falling out (hope that doesn't depress you!). Worse still, I had little tufty bits poking through the longer hair where new hair was starting to grow. He's my last baby so hopefully all will be ok now!
ReplyDeleteTilly :o)x
I'm having the same issue. My hair is just above my shoulders and only after reading this have I thought "maybe it's a post-pregnancy thing". I thought I was just getting older!
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